A big Thank you goes to bd again, he's always saving me when I screw something up on here. I tried to get rid of a few old links and update my comments back to reblogger. I like reblogger the best out of all of them, I'm not sure why, I guess it's like an old hat or purse you just can't do without them.
Not much going on, I've had a nasty cold all week and the cough still hasn't gone away. At least I feel like I'm going to live. I'm glad it wasn't the flu though. It's even worse.
The ARGers are trying to get a fest going in Vancouver sometime in July. I hope I can make it. I've never been there and we had so much fun in Orlando last month. It's nice being able to put faces with the nicks that you chat with often.
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
I need some help, I did something to my code and can't find it. My posts shouldn't be doing what they are doing. I'm not sure what I did, I've looked at everything and can't find what is probably 1 little thing that is causing it to screw up.
Anyhow, I guess it's my turn to be sick, I have a terrible cold and can't get any time off of work to rest and get better. With the holidays coming up, we are super busy and just can't get ahead. I'm glad everyone is mailing early but can't you all just give me a break and let me be sick? Just kidding, I'd rather go crazy now, than work until 9 on Christmas eve trying to get everyone their packages before Christmas.
For anyone who's playing GNE, there's more stuff to play with now. It seems that they're adding new things almost everyday.
Sunday, November 30, 2003
Well comments seem to be back, all by themselves, I might add. It's cold down here, too cold for me. I don't know how anyone lives up north. I did it for years and fought with the snow and fell on the ice. No fun!
I had a very uneventful day today, yay. Those are few are far between anymore. Not much going on in the gaming zone and not much going on at home. Nascar is over until February and football was just too boring to watch. Yesterday's FSU/ Florida game was great though. I almost lost my voice screaming at the TV. And the Seminoles won. YAY!
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, that is if your country celebrates it. I'm mostly going to enjoy a day off of work and maybe get around to cooking a turkey with all the trimmings. I haven't decided yet. It's definitely different down here, when it's cold outside you know that the holidays are right around the corner. It doesn't get very cold here, at least not cold enough to realize that tomorrow is Thanksgiving and that Christmas is less than a month away.
I actually was very lucky at work today. They threw me on a route I'd never done before and it was a nice one. That never happens! I actually got out of work at a decent time for once. Sometimes I do love my job.
Monday, November 24, 2003
Not much happening here. Back to work is back to work. I (like most everyone else) wish I didn't have to work. The weather right now is great. It's the reason I moved down here. Nice days and cool nights.
I definitely came back from vacation with a much better attitude. I almost like the world again. I think that just getting away wasn't enough, I needed to get away for awhile and make new friends. Do things that I enjoy doing and just not worry about anything. I know that everything at home was taken care of, the best thing I ever did was to raise a son that handles responsibility well. I can't believe that he's mine sometimes! The animals were fed and the house was safe. It was a mess, but I left it that way.
There's a link (which sucks) below the weatherpixie, I believe, that will let you see my pics from the ARGfest Orlando, I don't think that you have to join to see them. If you do sorry, don't worry, there won't be any email from me about the group. Just join and quit if you want. I just had too much trouble posting them. I know, I'm just computer illiterate but I'm better than I was, and it's still thanks to friends.
I'm hoping to update more, with the holidays on the way, I won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Except of course, to work. The long days start right after Thanksgiving and don't end until April when the snowbirds go home.
I can't wait.
And Brian, please try and make Vancouver in July!
Saturday, November 22, 2003
The pictures are posted, just not on here. I had quite a few problems with what I was trying to use to add them here. The new address is, unfortunately, a href="http://groups.msn.com/ARGfestOrlando/_whatsnew.msnw" This was the easiest way for me to get them online fast. All I can say was that is was a great time and I can't wait to see everyone again.
Friday, November 21, 2003
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
So much has happened I'm not sure where to start. We wen to the Oktoberfest last weekend and had a great time. A bunch of people from work all met there and we proceeded to get very drunk together on German beer. I'm not going to name any names but as we were leaving the parking lot, I passed one of my co-workers walking through the lot with her bra in her hand! Who says postal workers are stressed out all the time? We can have fun, just llike everyone else.
OK, that was last week. This weekend we're going away for a long vacation. First to Orlando to meet some of the ARG people that I"ve chatted with from time to time, throughout the last few years. We're all going to Universal on saturday and who knows what might happen there. They are always full of surprises. The only problem is no internet access while I'm gone, I don't have a laptop, boo hoo.
After that, we're heading down to Homestead for the Ford Championship weekend of Nascar. And to say goodbye to Winston, since next year it will be Nextel. There's nothing like being at a race and this time they've increased the banking to 20 degrees. It should be better side by side racing than what they've had there for the last 5 years. I can't wait!
It's going to be nice to be able to put faces to all those names and just to get off of work for 10 days is totally incredible. Have fun everyone, I sure believe that I will.
Thursday, October 09, 2003
I finally went and did it, I bought a new car. New to me, not brand new. It's a 1999 Ford Taurus. I wanted a pickup but it's hard to deliver mail out of a truck, so that's going to have to wait. It's maroon in color and loaded with everything. I still haven't figured out the pic problem so it will be awhile before I can post one here.
I've been so busy I haven't had time to post here or even read up on how everyone's doing. I hope that you are all ready for the best holiday coming up. Of course I mean Halloween! Later.
Sunday, September 28, 2003
Well, it's been one year since Wally's been gone, sometimes time really does fly. It seems like yesterday to me. I really miss him. It's going to be a hard day to forget. My boyfriend's birthday is the same day, it was his party that it happened. I still expect him to show up and start calling me ma or just keep everyone laughing.
He would be proud of his daughter, she's a beautiful little girl. I hope she lives a wonderful life.
Curtis didn't have a bad day, all he wanted for his birthday was an uneventful day and that's what we had. Nothing much happened. We went to dinner with his son and mine, then went to see a few friends that we hadn't seen in a while. After that it was home, he had been out drinking earlier and was a bit tired. All in all it was definitely better than the day we had 1 year ago.
Monday, September 22, 2003
Not much going on here. I'm looking for a new car, the old one is about to blow up. I can't complain, I've put quite a few miles on it and only paid $1000 for it 3 years ago. It's just been great for delivering mail in and I'm afraid I won't find anything that will work just as well. I'd love to buy something new but my job is just too hard on a vehicle to do that. It's cheaper just to buy something older and fix the little things as they come along. Well back to the hunt.
Thursday, September 18, 2003
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
I'm surprised that anyone even still reads this. I never post and when I do there's nothing much said. I guess it's just that summer in Florida is boring, it's too hot to do much of anything so all I really do is sit in front of my computer when I'm not at work. There are a few good things going on online right now. The chat for gameneverending is getting better everyday. They keep adding things to keep us happy while we wait for the game to start. Puzzlepirates is fun but time consuming so I never get here to write anything.
Friday, September 05, 2003
I guess I don't have to worry to much about this becoming a habit, I don't have time to write much these days.
Chasing the Wish is over. That's sad, I would have to say that it was excellent! Leave it to Dave to make the most exciting and interesting game around. And all without a major sponsor! He kept many, many people's time occupied for well over 6 months and I don't remember hearing anyone complaining about it ever being slow. I can't wait for him to do something else. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure I can do more than lurk.
Puzzlepirates is going well. I've joined a crew "Pirates of the Damned" and they're really into the game. Our captain, Thanos, tries to fair to everyone and tries to get his senior officers more involved in helping the crew. It's another game that I don't get enough time to really enjoy. I'd like to have my own boat and maybe a shop but no time for that either. I've started a second character on there just to solo every now and then but it's more fun with the crew.
And of course, my favorite, GNE. I'm ging to try and spend more time in chat. Things are moving along, slowly, but moving. There's more people in chat now. Some I've not seen for months, some new. I like that it says I've been there from olden times. I have been but it's nice to see something progressing and know that you've been there almost from the start.
Enough of my games and no more time, I have to get some sleep.
Thursday, August 21, 2003
Twice in less than a week, better be careful, this might turn into a habit again.
I found this thing on the web, no big deal but it lets me post my pics a bit smaller than I can get them here. It's fotolog net / greywolf. So far there's only a pic of my granddaughter and another of my boyfriend and me. I can only do 1 a day or pay for 6 a day. I'd rather just do 1 and save my money for something else. It's pretty cool though. I like it. An edit here. I didn't find it, some of the people at GNE chat turned me on to it. I was a bit tired when I posted this and don't want any of them to not get credit for helping me with this.
Not much else going on here. Work and more work is about it.
Friday, August 15, 2003
I can't believe it's been almost a month since I've blogged anything. Wow, I guess I've been busier than I thought. Well, I guess working 6 days a week will do that to anyone. Needless to say, not much going on here, all I do is work. I never did get time to fix the pic and I don't have time now. I hope everyone survived the blackout. I heard from my mom yesterday, their power came on about 9:30 last nite. At least they didn't have to spend the whole nite in darkness. I think my step sister is still in darkness though.
I hope Dusty and John are safe and that Erika misses them by miles and miles.
Sunday, July 13, 2003
Friday, July 04, 2003
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Two more days until my granddaughter gets here. I can't wait, it's so cool having a little one around even if it's only for a week. It seems so strange for them to be coming here. I know my son doesn't like it here much. There's nothing to do, he says. Maybe now that he's older and a dad it won't be so bad.
It's a fairly slow week at work which is good,I've got a lot of cleaning to do both here and at mom's house. Her's isn't too bad, they've only been gone for a few months, it's just a bit musty from being closed up. I don't understand why it doesn't get very dusty.
We haven't been flooded out yet, it usually takes a day or 2 for the sheetflow to reach us. With all the rain we've received in the last 4 days it should be pretty bad. I hope not.
I made the mistake of upgrading to msn8, ewww, I can't wait until September when my contract with them is up. Then I'll figure something else out. It's hard to find something that works halfway decent out here. Maybe someday we can connect some other way.
Friday, June 20, 2003
Wow, the new set up is great, I guess I should check in a bit more often. It's been really hard to think of what to write here. So much has been going on and work has been crazy. I guess there isn't a season here anymore, we're busy all the time now.
It was nice going back up to Cleveland even though the circumstances weren't the best. I hadn't been back home in almost 9 years! I now have a better idea of what all you people in the north are going through with the weather. It was either raining or just plain cold the whole time I was there. After 2 days I was ready to come back home to Florida, I really missed the sun.
I also got to meet my granddaughter, she's 2 and just like me, paybacks for my son. They're coming down here next week. They were trying to surprise me with a visit, but as usual, I surprised them first. The ony person who knew I was coming up was my mom. I needed for someone to be around when I arrived. It was great, they were all surprised. And another thing while I'm thinking about it, if you ever need last minute tickets definitely use Hotwire, they gave me a great deal. Hotwire beat Expedia and Priceline by almost $400 each.
More later.
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
I've been trying to figure out how to say what's been going on, it's hard. My dad's friend, he says she wasn't his girlfriend but they were inseperable, has passed away. He was with her when she went, she suffered a major heartattack. I went back to Ohio to be with him and make sure that he was alright. Unfortunately I had to come home before everything was over. I sure hope he comes down here soon. My brother and sister live up there but it isn't the same.
As hot as it's been down here, it's just as cold up there. I couldn't believe it 56 degrees in June!! There was finally some sun on friday and it felt warmer. More later when I can.
Thursday, May 22, 2003
We won, we won. Even though there's 1 more week of darts left, they can't beat us. We're 11 games ahead and there's only 9 more to play. Now I wasn't on the friendliest team but they definitely were all good shooters. We do a blind draw at the beginning of the league so that it's a bit more fair. Most people that play at Fastrack aren't very good and by doing it this way it sometimes works out where all the teams are fairly even. In the last league all 6 teams were really close at the end. This time we basically blew them away. We played for 14 weeks with 2 byes, with 73 wins in 12 weeks, we averaged 6 wins a night. Yeah us. We did better than that, we actually had 1 night that we lost 6 games.
Sunday, May 18, 2003
Not too much going on here. It's already wayy to hot to do anything outside, I guess we don't get to enjoy a spring this year. It's been nothing but 90 or better for awhile now. Well they say that it's good for tourism.
There are so many games going right now I'm not sure which ones to start. I've been trying Puzzle pirates which is fun. I'm still waiting for Game Neverending to start beta, it should be soon. The alpha was fun and I miss making things and chatting with everyone in the game. Now we're spread out over too many chats.
I'm going to go and play with my new camera, maybe I can takes some pics that will be worth posting.
Wednesday, May 14, 2003
Yea, my stocks went live yesterday, now let's see if I can make them worth something.
I was watching Charlie Rose last nite, just surfing through channels and the gang from Matrix was on. They talking about making the movie and things that they had to do to get in shape, can you imaginge spending one month just to get ready for one fight scene? That's dedication and that's a short scene, the big one took almost four months to get ready for. It was nice to listen to them talk about it. I have more to say but I need to go to work. Later all.
Monday, May 12, 2003
This Blogshares thing that they have going on is great. I've done pretty good so far even though I can't seem to get my blog indexed. Whatever, I'll just keep making money on everyone else's blogs. That's the idea anyway.
My puppy is getting so big, I'm going to take some pics of him this weekend and see if I can get them online. He's cute but getting to be a pain, he constantly wants to be under my feet and when I'm sitting here there just isn't enough room.
I was bidding in an online auction the other day and my cat jumped up on the keyboard, boy was I surprised when I liiked at the bid and it was wayyyyy over what I wanted to bid. After panicking and emailing the auctioneer I looked again and found out that someone else had wayyyy overbid. It still registered that I had won with the really high amount but I haven't heard anything yet about what's going to happen. Maybe everyone's stumped on what to do. I don't know how to solve it either.
Friday, May 09, 2003
I hope every mom out there has a good Mother's Day on Sunday.
I need to go and buy a Digital camera, my problem is I'm not sure which one to get. If anyone has an opinion of which one is the best(under $500) let me know. My budget won't allow for more than that, we're working on buying a house so I need to save every penny I can. I've just decided that I can't live any longer without one.
Wednesday, May 07, 2003
I saw this at UNfiction
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | High |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Low |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Low |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | High |
Level 7 (Violent) | Moderate |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Low |
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
Sunday, May 04, 2003
Thursday, April 24, 2003
Help me, please. I tried to get into chat today and the link won't work for me, maybe it's just me, it's been a long time since I've chatted anywhere. There are a few other things that I need help with but I'm not posting it here.
We had a scare at the airport on Tuesday, they found some white powder in one of our containers. Still don't know what it is but they said it was harmless. As of this morning we still don't have the mail that was in that container, so I wonder just how harmless it really is. If it came in today I was supposed to get called in and that didn't happen, a nice unexpected day off but still..... With it being Express Mail, there were a lot of important things in there, people were calling about getting their plane tickets, their contracts, all those kinds of things. I hope that they just didn't call me and figured out some other way to get these things out to the people. I think we all forgot how close we can be to terrorism because nothing's happened here since September 11 and the anthrax (fun) we had. At least we know that people are still on guard. Not the way it usually goes here. Out of site, out of mind.
Sunday, April 06, 2003
I'm not sure if anyone can help, but there's someone on the Majestic Alliance ezboard that needs some help. I was checking out old links and some boards and happened to check that one. Their post is almost a month old but maybe they still check for answers. I can't help them I didn't save much of anything and this new computer doesn't have anything Majestic on it except my AIM list. Gotta go the race is on and they're crashing already.
Wednesday, April 02, 2003
I guess I did fix it.
Blogging has definitely taken a backseat to reading Blogs. There's so much going on and not much time to read. I've been reading quite a few of the War Blogs out there and to tell you the truth John's Blogs of War is the best. He keeps it updated with what's going on and has the good sense and taste not to put things that we really don't need to see on there. I know that being a newlywed it's got to be hard to find the time to do everything but somehow he finds the time. Maybe I shouldn't write that but noone really reads this much anymore except the few people left from Majestic that even remember who I am. Hopefully I can change that sometime soon and shock you all by showing up in chat, that is if you all still get together and chat. This is supposed to be an easy week at work so maybe it will be soon. I hope so I miss talking with all of you.
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
They reopened GNE for 24 hours, I missed all but the last 2 minutes of it. I did get to hear that maybe, if we're really lucky and if everything goes well, we might be playing the reall game, sooner than later. That's not very specific but better than hearing that things aren't going well and it's going to take longer than we thought. Whatever, at least I got to visit my pretty blue house and say hi to everyone that was there.
Chasing the Wish is definitely getting more and more of my free time, what little free time there is during season. At least it's a break from all the stuff from work, dealing with the snowbirds that don't understand that life just isn't as fast down here as it is where they come from. It does take a bit longer for things to arrive, whether it's your meal at a restaurant or your package from up north. No, I'm not going on a rant, in fact I'm done writing for tonite. See ya in Bobbleton.
Friday, March 07, 2003
Well, it seems like time is flying by and I'm just lost in space. I haven't had time to update but haven't done anything in my time away worth writing about. We did get a new puppy. He takes a lot of my time, trying to housebreak and just train him period.
My grandma's here for a few days. My mom took her shopping today so I don't have to worry too much about ignoring her. She's off spending all of my inheritance which is just fine by me. I don't want it, I'd rather she enjoys her life and has fun visiting all of us kids. She used to be a 6th grade schoolteacher. I think she could still handle them if she wanted too. What a feisty woman she is. enough for now, it's dinner time.
Saturday, March 01, 2003
The game is on, somehow while r/l was getting in the way, Chasing the Wish went live! Yay!!!! Now to try and catch up with everyone else so I don't have to lurk all the time. The amount of info is overwhelming right now. I can't wait to just dig in and figure out how they've found everything that they've found already! Updates will now be even less regular. See ya!1
Thursday, February 20, 2003
Well, it was great going to Daytona and getting away for a few days, too bad it was only the Daytona 272 instead of the 500. They knew it was going to rain and should have postponed it until the next day. We did have some entertainment during the rain delays however. One of the ushers decided that she was running the whole show and that if the people standing near the fence didn't go back and sit down she was throwing them out. Now it doesnt sound like any big deal, but if you could just see her waving her hands around and pulling people's jackets to get them to move you'd understand. She had the whole crowd laughing at her. She was running around about 7 or 8 sections trying to get people to move. By the time she got down to one end they'd start standing around the other end. I guess that some of the people she was pulling around had had enough because all of a sudden her supervisor came up and made her leave. The crowd went crazy, laughing and cheering. We didn't see her again.
The race itself wasn't bad. I forgot how fast those cars go. It was exciting seeing them again in person. It was pretty scary ther for a little while. When Ryan Newman crashed it was bad. All we could do is sit and wait for the paramedics to get to his car and get him out. Once he was out of the car and standing by himself, we knew that he was alright but it was a pretty bad crash. His car rolled over a half a dozen times and almost completely fell apart. He was ok though so that's what really matters. I'll bet he's still pretty sore though.
My fantasy teams didn't do very well, if the race had gone on to the end I might have done better but 2 of my drivers were caught either at the end or a lap down. Oh well, you can't win them all.
Friday, February 14, 2003
Well, some how, some way, we are off to Daytona for the races. I'm not really sure how this happened but a friend of mine won 2 tickets from Winn-Dixie and gave them to me!!!!! I'm still in a state of shock. I'm going to the great race and I don't have to work tomorrow. Wow, I wonder if that means my little angel has been watching over me and decided that I needed to get away.Well, anyway, I hope you all have a good weekend and I'll post more when I return.
Tuesday, February 11, 2003
Saturday, February 08, 2003
It must be getting closer to start time for Chasing the Wish, the updates page has changed 3 times in as many days. I can't wait, it doesnt' seem like there's much of anything to do right now. I guess I could search for another game or go back to NWN's. I've kind of given up on that for a while. I've been spending way too much time doing other things and haven't had ime to play lately.
I miss GNE too. At least there was always someone around when I felt like chatting. It was something I could do and either mind my own business or chat away. I must be in one of those moods tonite. I'm missing a lot of things. I miss the chats with everyone from Majestic. I hope that they haven't been around much is because they're working on a project. That's all I'm going to say about that. See ya all around, soon I hope!
Found this test on Matt's page, Thanks. I guess I better watch out for giant ducks!
I will be crushed by a giant duck!
How will you die? Take the Exotic Cause of Death Test
Sunday, February 02, 2003
I'm bored. Game Neverending is over for awhile and there's just nothing to do. Chasing the Wish hasn't started yet(that I know of), and there just isn't anything else that I'm interested in doing right now.
I did check out my site's stats and found quite a few hits from Chasing the Wish, so someone's out there trying to find out when it's starting. I wish I knew. I wish I was playing it right now. There isn't much going on around here.
We're all really sad about the Columbia, I still can't believe it. How many more tragedies do we have to go through before someone really goes nuts? It's so hard to even watch the news anymore, nothing good ever happens. It's like, the holidays are over so all we can tell is what's wrong with the world instead of the good things that some people are doing. I'm sure there are some people doing good out there somewhere. Tell us about them. Mix up some good with all the bad. That's all I can rant about for now.
Sunday, January 26, 2003
Friday, January 24, 2003
First thing I need to do is say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DUSTY I'm so sorry I'm late. This has been a really bad week here. Between freezing and work I've not been online much. I can't believe that it's only 35 degrees here. This is nuts : /
I have some really bad news, bad for me anyway. My dog died today. I came home from work and he was laying in the yard. He looked like he was taking a nap in the sun. When he didn't get up and run to my car when I came home, I knew someting was wrong. I called him and went up to where he was laying. He wasn't breathing, that'w when I knew for sure. At least it looks like he went in his sleep and doesn't look like he suffered at all. I'll miss him, he was definitely my buddy.
Saturday, January 18, 2003
Need to do a little more touch up here. There are still a few things missing. I guess it's good that it's so cold outside, that's another reason to work on my page, I don't want to be outside freezing. Now I realize that to most of you 45 isn't that cold, you need to remember that I'm in southwest Florida, to most of us that is worse than freezing. It feels like 20 below to someone who's been here for a few years. It's just reallly, really cold.
I tried to beta a game called There, they say my computer isn't good enough for their game. Oh well, I'm not upgrading just to beta test. Whatever it is that they want, it's got to be more than I can afford. It's not the best or the most expensive computer there is but it plays the games I want to play and does everything that I need it to do.
Chasing the Wish is going to be starting soon. I can't wait!!!!