I hope everyone got all they wanted for Christmas and that they were able to be with their loved ones. One of the most important things is being with family and friends this time of year.
Wednesday, December 25, 2002
Friday, December 20, 2002
Boy it's been awhile since I've posted anything. I started testing a new game, Game Neverending. It's pretty cool. It's also highly addictive, at least for me it is.It's amazing how a game can take up so much time and you don't even realize it. I played all day on Tuesday and didin't get anything else done, except leveling to 7. I've finally got my making skills up too so now I can make better things and level a bit faster.
I hope everyone's well and congratulations Dusty.
Thursday, December 05, 2002
Monday, November 25, 2002
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Sorry I haven't updated since I've been back, Blogger has been really slow and I haven't had time to wait it out.
The Keys were awesome. It's nice to go somewhere that everyone is relaxed and not in a hurry to get nowhere fast. I actually enjoyed going back to work yesterday. The trip over there was pretty good, except for the 2 tires that blew out on the way. Of course they were both on the same side and went together. Not too bad for the maiden voyage.
We met up with some friends on Tuesday and tried to find the No Name Pub. Believe me it is the hardest place to find but definitely worth looking for. The food there is great and the people are friendly. It's on Big Pine Key and way off the beaten path. And of course the beer is excellent. We were going to spend that night at a state park on Long Key but they were already full. It seems a lot of people decided to use the week before the races to go on vacation also. No problem there are plenty of places to stay down there. We found an RV park up at Key Largo and spent the night. What a nice place, the sauna they had has a waterfall with warm water coming out of it. That was really cool.
The next nite we headed up to Homestead to stay at a friends house. We just parked the RV by the bath house and plugged in, we stayed until Monday, more on that later. Gotta go, darts are tonite and I haven't even shopped for dinner yet.
Tuesday, November 05, 2002
Well, I voted today, not totally Democratic because there are some real losers in this state. Sometimes you have to vote for the lesser of 2 evils and I believe that voting for Jeb as governor again is the right thing to do. McBride would have raided our pay checks and started a state income tax.That's the only way he could have afforded to do all the things he promised. I believe I pay enough taxes to take care of everything (schools, which I don't have any children in, our fire district, which lets things burn before they show up anyway, Mosquito(sp) control, which is almost worthless in Florida, etc. etc. etc.)
And no I have no facts to back it up but, what happened to all that oil we were supposed to have after they ran their pipeline through Alaska? Wasn't that the be-all end-all of our supposed dependence on other countries? As long as they can keep the prices up there will never be enough oil to satisfy the oil companies. I don't believe that they should drill in the Gulf of Mexico( I know that they are). I also believe that they have the necessary cars, trucks,planes and equipment for heating, cooling and processing that can use less fuel but won't use them either. That's less money in their fat ass wallets and we can't have that now can we?
I suppose in a way I work for this so called government but being an RCA for the Post Office is about as low on the ladder as you can get. We are the one's that do all the work and don't get paid for it. That's not right either, we do get paid for it but what they pay, without of course benefits, which RCA's don't recieve, it's not much better than minimum wage. The bullshit involved leads to health problems and never knowing if the next person to stop you is going to shoot you or ask directions can be stressful. Just one more on this little rant about work and I'm done. I don't get sick days, that's no problem, I will when I go regular. What gets me is that they give you so many, 5 I think a year, but they don't want you to use them. They're constantly complaining about them. Now the PO employs over 800,000 people and they say there's too much absenteeism if 500 people a day call in sick. That doesn't sound that bad to me.
Back to the voting.They're trying to pass a law here like they did in California, so that you can't smoke in restaurants and other public places, yes I am a smoker, so what, I don't think that they should have to right to tell me that I can't light up after a good meal or when I'm drinking a beer. I do try and make sure that it's not bothering others around me, I don't like the smoke either.
I need to go, I'm starving to death right now.
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Haven't Blogged much lately, not a whole lot going on here. I'm trying to get the motorhome in shape before we go to Homestead for the races next month. It's been a while since it's been used and it's all dusty and dirty.
Push was fun and maybe not over yet. Congrats to everyone who got through on the phone. Unfortunately I wasn't one of them. I made it harder than it had to be and didn't get the right number the first time. By the time I figured out the right one it was too late. Let's hope that if they continue with this, it's good and not just a total waste of time.
On to Nascar news, Tony's still first in points and has a bigger margin than he did last week..Go Tony!!!!
Well it's almost time for 24. It's about the only thing left on TV now that Farscape is gone.
Thursday, October 24, 2002
I sure hope someone hears from the DC area guys today. I don't get into chat, cuz I'm at work when you all are on, so I check for updates and there hasn't been any. I sure hope that the 2 guys they picked up are the ones doing the shooting.
My tickets for the Homestead race showed up yesterday, Yay. Maybe this year the newest bad boy of Nascar will win the championship. He is in first place in points right now with only 4 races to go. I'd love to see him win but my heart would really like Mark Martin to win it. He's probably going to retire in the next few years and he doesn't have a championship yet.
Monday, October 21, 2002
Another fun day of trying to get Blogger to post. I've been down with the flu since friday evening and just now am starting to feel like living is an option. I haven't been this sick in a long time. They gave out flu shots at work on Thursday. I'm glad I didn't get one, I'd have to blame being sick on that. It seems like everyone a work has been through this already and at least now I have too.
I put a new link on here for a treasure hunt that's supposed to start soon but they don't say when. Just that the button will change when the time has come.
Friday, October 18, 2002
Now about the teenage sex story. I'm keeping this fairly clean, you never know for sure which family members may be reading. Let's just say I cut it a little too close one day when my mom decided to come home early from work. We were on the couch in the family room and just barely had time to stand up before she walked in the door. She wasn't very happy.
That's not the only one but it's the easiest to clean up and post here.
I know most of you aren't Nascar fans, but I am. I'm getting really excited, it's getting closer to Homestead, and that's the last race this year. Now we've been every year since the first and it's always a good time. I think we're going to spend some time in the Keys this year, so if anyone wants anything let me know. Key West is cool but I like Marathon better. It's more laid back and a lot less touristy. Living in Fl, it's nice to go somewhere that the tourists don't. There aren't to many places left like that anymore. Even Ft. Myers Beach gets the college kids now.
I just can't wait.
Wednesday, October 16, 2002
I sure hope Blogger fixes their problems. I'm tired of signing in and out to be able to change anything. Maybe it's time to change to something else.
I finally got the ring code added (after signing in and out about 50 times and I've updated most of you. Sorry Dusty, I didn't realize you weren't there. So now you're at the top of the list.
The post office has given me a day off in the middle of the week, so maybe today I'll find a new host for this and let you all know. More later.
Tuesday, October 08, 2002
Sunday was a good day for racing. One of my favorite drivers(I like most of them) is now first in the point championship and another won the race. The worst thing about it was that EA(yuck) was the sponsor. Now, they can't make me go to their site anymore but I have to hear about them all through one of my favorite pastimes? At least the NFL doesn't have that kind of sponsorship going on yet.
Been catching up on my blog reading, I'm glad everyone is well and it's nice to have MG back. He always was a good read.
That's it for now.
Sunday, October 06, 2002
I went to my first turkey shoot today. What a great way to have a benefit for someone! We raised a lot of money for Spring and her daughter and everyone had a good time doing it. Now me, I don't shoot guns of any kind, that's just me. I don't mind if others do and I don't preach to them the dangers of having a gun around. They already know this and they treat their guns with the respect that they deserve. I don't always agree with the redneck way of life but I always enjoy it. For the most part they are the most honest, caring people you will ever meet. These people, who work very hard for their money, managed to raise in just 2 days over $5,000 for my daughter-in-law and her daughter. It just amazes me.
So here's a cheer for all you rednecks out there, no matter what anyone ever says, don't change your ways!
Saturday, October 05, 2002
Seems to be a problem with Blogspot this week. It will let me post and publish but it says that it's unable to load the template file. Well, after signing in and out it still says the same thing but I can't fix it. Maybe it's time for a template change anyway.
Blogging isn't necessarily a good form of therapy but it isn't a bad one either. The only thing that's going to help is time.I guess just knowing that he died doing something that gave him happiness is a help too. It was a good day, we were all having fun and almost everyone got the chance to see him.
I miss you Wally.
Thursday, October 03, 2002
Well, I hear that blogging is supposed to be an online sorta therapy. Let's just see how well this actually works. I buried my son-in-law yesterday. He was only 28 years old.We were at the party for my boyfriend and they all went out on their 4-wheelers. I can't really say what happened because I still can't believe it. Let's just say he was in the wrong place at the right time.He left behind a beautiful wife,my stepdaughter, a beautiful 4 year old daughter, and hundreds of family members and friends.
The funeral was wonderful, we loaded him up in the back of a pickup truck and walked him to his final resting place. The music was Country and the day was a beautiful Florida day, a few clouds in the sky and a breeze blowing the USA and Rebel flags.
Everyone's off of the 4-wheelers for a while but that didn't mean we couldn't take the trucks out to a mudhole and give him a good sendoff.
Ok this isn't working so well, I'm going to try and find something else online to make me forget for a bit.
Wednesday, September 25, 2002
Not too much going on here, just enjoying the beautiful weather that Izzy has brought. It's not too hot right now, which is good, there's a nice breeze blowing for most of the day and it's partly cloudy. The 2 hurricanes that are all around us aren't getting any closer and it doesn't look like they will. It's great that we get the best out of a hurricane and have nice days. I think it has something to do with where we are in relation to the warm waters of the Gulf. It's almost too much of a corner for them to turn and hit us. I can't believe the pics of Izzy though, it's covering the whole Gulf of Mexico! And now Lili's on her way. She seems to be following almost the same path.
Enough about the weather, the party's all planned just some last minute shopping to do on friday. Whew, I can't wait till everything's ready and it's time to party. I just hope the weather holds out, if not I'm not sure what we're going to do with all our friends and family. Well, at least we've all known each other for years, a little closeness won't kill any of us.
I just got word that ARGN is closing it's posting doors soon. That's a shame, it's one of the nicest boards I've found recently. I'm going to miss it. I mostly lurked there(like I always do) I try to only post when there's something I know that hasn't been posted already, but with my schedule, there isn't much that I get first. It's only been a few months but I wish them well and am sure that I'll see them around somewhere.
Saturday, September 21, 2002
I'm not sure who is still reading this but my stats say a few of you are. I need help, Please. I want to change the size of my webring link and I"m not sure how to do that. I never get to be online when everyone else is so I can't talk to anyone in chat about this. I just want to make the box longer instead of wider. I'm sure it's not hard to do but duh, I just don't know how.
I got to go and finish planning a birthday party, my boyfriend is going to be 50 and I want to make sure he has a good time. At least when I call him 'my ole man' it's the truth. He's a 'bit' (quite a bit) older than me.
Wednesday, September 18, 2002
Yay! a day off and a thousand things to do, yet here I sit. I just was checking my site stats and all of a sudden I'm getting hits from Malaysia and the Phillipines, strange, very strange.
My first thing to do today is go to the DMV and take care of all that fun stuff which comes with getting titles and plates. My boyfriend turns 50 (w0w) next friday and I'm having a big party for him saturday. I've discovered that it's not an easy thing to do when you're working 11 hours a day. Somehow shopping has to be included today also. And if I don't get any laundry done(well we won't go into that) it won't be pretty I'm sure.
Tonite is our last nite on our dart league. We didn't do so well this time around, maybe they'll give prizes for last place: (It's really bad to go from first to last place.
Time hunt started a beta version this morning. It seems pretty cool and more than a little hard. Full launch should be early next month.There are some really good puzzles there.
And of course, PUSH started last nite. Or at least, the first show aired last nite, it started a while back.
Time to go do all my fun stuff, be happy.
Friday, September 13, 2002
I didn't realize how much I like my time online, until I don't have any time. I'm not sure how I ever got to spend hours everyday online not even that long ago. Now it's impossible to finish reading my email. I'm usually too tired when I get home to do anything,work is supposed to slow down when all the snowbirds go home. That hasn't happened this year. I feel like I'm working Christmas hours. 55 to 60 hours a week. It's killing me. So instead of being out on friday nite here I sit trying to blog andnot having anything to say. You have to have some kind of life outside of work to have anything interesting to say. I don't!
I just checked up on everyone and you all seem to be doing well. At least you're still blogging or keeping us updated on stuff. We did have a little bit of excitement down the road. Alligator Alley was closed for most of today because they thought that these guys were terrorists. I still believe that something was going on but that they weren't the real thing. Why would they draw so much attention to themselves? I mean, everyone knows that if you blow through the toll plaza, someone's going to come after you, right? And then instead of trying to claim their innocence(sp) they get nasty with the F#I guys.
We're right in the heart of hurricane season, so maybe something exciting might just happen soon. For some reason, this part of Southwest Florida is pretty well protected from the worst of the storms. They all semm to miss us or just give us a lot of rain and wind. Hopefully everyone else will be safe this year.
Friday, September 06, 2002
Ok, since I've finally been accepted by the Nascar webring I guess I should start writing more about NASCAR and bore all of you that don't care about it.
I have a hard time picking a favorite driver, it's easier to pick one that I don't care for. There's only 2 that I don't like. I'm not going to go into them now though. There's a race tomorrow night and I can't wait. There's a Busch race tonite which I'll probably watch since Farscape isn't on. Friday's are usually reserved for SCIFI. It's my escape.
The best I can say is GO FORD!
Wednesday, September 04, 2002
It seems like forever since I've blogged anything. I've almost forgotten how to type. Work has been crazy, this is the time of year that it usually slows down. I guess that's not going to happen, I have to beg for a day off 2 weeks from now. I guess it's all good though.
Congratulations to Dusty and John!!!! I hope we hear soon that everything went well.
Not too much going on (except work), it's hard to have a life when you're working 12 hours a day. The porch is almost finished, just waiting for the floor.
I'm sure most everyone has recieved the email about saying the pledge and turning your lights on. The post office has even asked us to put our car lights on while we work on the 11th.
Hope everyone's holiday was fun, I'll try to write again soon.
Thursday, August 22, 2002
I don't get to chat much anymore so I'm not sure how many of you are into the whole ARGN thing that's been going on, but there's been a new game announced that starts up in about a month. It looks like a lot of fun and they're saying that the first puzzles aren't the same as the ones in the Treasure Hunt itself. I've been looking for something to do besides NWN's, it's fun but I need something a little more. I think I may have found it. We'll see, I've said that before and it bombed. I wish I would have gotten into ChangeAgents when they started again, but I didn't and now everyone playing is way ahead. I guess by playing in what must have been a beta test last year, I didn't realize that it was for real this time. Oh well.
Gotta go, cooking ribs and they smell really good.
Sunday, August 18, 2002
Been really crazy lately. Working to much, trying to remodel the bathroom and adding a really big porch to the house. Summertime in Florida is not a good time to do any of this but it needs to be done. When they remodeled this place a few years ago the didn't spend much on it, that's for sure. The sink in the bathroom was painted! Now you all know what happens when paint meets Comet right? What a mess. I mean all they had to do was spend about $20 and they could have had a better sink. Well, I fixed that problem, I spent a whole lot more and have a sink that will last a lot longer. They also put carpet in the bathroom, YUCK, you can carpet anywhere in the house except the bathroom. Well, there's new tile for there too. The kitchen is next but it won't be as much. All I need in there is tile instead of carpet, the cabinets aren't bad and I just bought a new fridge and stove less than a year ago.
Enough about my house, it's almost race time and it should be a good one today. They're racing in Michigan and it's always fun there.
It's fun playing NWN's. I just started a new guy, he's an elf-ranger. It's a big difference between him and my first one who is a human-fighter. I can't figure out how to take screenshots so just believe me when I say that it's awesome. A few bugs are popping up here and there but for the most part they're easily fixed. I'm stuck though. I won't say where for all of you that aren't playing yet but when somebody gets to Beorunna's (sp) Well, let me know.
Hope everyone's Happy and Safe.
Thursday, August 08, 2002
Here's another wonderful use for Cabbage
Breast Augmentation
Hello and welcome back to another edition of the Way Weird Ezine. Americans are always trying to improve their sexuality by changing their appearance. Many women turn to diets to slim themselves down, and others are now using botox to remove wrinkles from their faces. But there's a new type of procedure in London that is making its way to the US that may end breast augmentation with implants as we know it.
Doctor Ronald Joelsy, a cosmetic surgeon based in London, has develop a new breast augmentation procedure that eliminates the worries of implants leaking in the chests of women. I was able to get Dr. Joelsy on the phone, and the procedure sounds a little painful. Here's what he had to say,:
"Fifteen years ago I told my wife that if she didn't get implants in her chest I was going to leave her. I am a boob man." he said with a chuckle, "But two years after the operation her 64 triple D implants started to leak, and two weeks later she died from complications. I felt a little bad about the whole thing, so I started testing new forms of implants from saline based all the way to petroleum jelly implants. I even developed a cabbage implant that I used on a client, and although the breasts looked a little lumpy from the drying of the cabbage leaves, you couldn't tell with her shirt and bra on. But it was too unproven, and frowned upon by people in my profession. So then I develop electro-synthetic-correlation."
He then explained how this procedure works:
"I take each breast and over a 3 year period, once per week my clients come in and I use electric motion on each breast to put them into shock, which can cause them to grow:
I asked him if the procedure has worked yet, and he told me not yet, but he has high hopes.
Ladies of the world, keep your breasts the way they are, and don't electrocute them.
I'm used to getting some very strange emails but this is the strangest yet. To bad it didn't come in while the Cabbage Alliance was still around.
Thursday, August 01, 2002
Since noone has updated lately, I'm assuming you've all watched The Ring and are just waiting for your 7 days to be up. There really is no other explanation since someone updates at least once a week. Well I"m here to say that I watched about 2 minutes last nite so we'll just see if that's true. J/K
This is always a slow time of year, the kids are getting ready to go back to school and r/l takes over. I'm glad mine are grown and I don't have to go school shopping anymore. I'm not a shopper. I hate going to the mall. I only go there once a year, around Christmas for presents for mom and dad.(and of course, for the hot pretzels) When I lived up north, the mall up there had a place where you could get corn dogs, the one down here doesn't. We also don't have Big Boys, I miss the sauce.
It's my day off, I guess I should go and do all the stuff that needs to be done.
This'll teach me to blog whenI'm drinking.
Monday, July 29, 2002
Nice day today, I can't believe I came home on a Monday and my house was clean. I guess they've decided it's not worth listening to me anymore. Life is pleasant when everyone picks up after themselves. Yay.
Finding stuff to do online, I'm hoping that a good game is going to appear soon. I like NWN's and am still having fun with that but I think I"m going to have to take it online real soon. I don't know if I'm ready or not yet though. It's lke when I play Diablo online, I know enough about it not to let anyone take advantage of whatever level I may be but I'm not sure if NWN's is going to work the same way. I guess there's only one way to find out.
Munin, I recieved my coin in the mail today, Thanks, I love it! Your feedback is already done. One question though, do you know who Cynthia Webb is? She's the one who made it and I was just curious.
Thursday, July 25, 2002
Ok I just reread my last post, I think I need a change of scenery for a while, it must be time for vacation. I've always felt that spying isn't a good thing but to totally b*%#& about it I must be really cranky and in need of some serious relaxation. That being said, I can't get any time off until November from work. We are so short handed it's unreal. The supervisors don't like giving us overtime but tomorrow I go in already 3 hours over. Normally, I would just be given the day off and that's that. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to work at the PO. It sucks in the summer and there aren't any benefits for at least 6 years. But damn, the pay is excellent for south Florida and the winters are great. It can be stressful but making minimum wage is worse. And one other thing, it's no longer a civil service job, you still have totake a test but it's mostly memory and making sure that your not dyslexic(sp).
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
I really do love my job, I just wish they would stop trying to make me hate it. Now the govt. has come up with a plan to have us spy on our customers. At first the postmaster wasn't going to let it happen but someone must have paid him off, he changed his mind. I will not spy on my customers, I will not turn them in just because they look different than me. If I see someone with a gun or bombs, I'm going to call the police but I would do that anyway. The govt. is using the tragedy of 9/11 against us all. Eventually we won't be able to leave our houses without notifying them that we're going and where we're going and for how long we should be gone. The public as a whole probably sees this as a good thing. It's not! We won't have any privacy left even in our homes. There isn't a whole lot left now.
I've been hearing quite a few of those Mlife commercials lately, on TV and the radio. It struck me funny today, for some reason, I decided that the "M" must stand for Monitor, that's what these phones do, they monitor every past of your life. They're being passed off as a convenience, "you'll know when MOM is around the corner" so you can give her a big hug. I'll know when mom is here and that's enough for me. Just wait until every cell phone has GPS in it, then they really can monitor your every move. Personally I can wait.
Monday, July 15, 2002
There is only one time of year that I wish I was still living up north. The summer's in SW Florida are murderously hot. If the humidity doesn't kill you, the heat will. Saturday was the best day though, all you had to do was walk outside and you could smell the ocean. The wind was blowing right off the Gulf and it was cool. Not like it's been today. I'm not a big going in the water kind of person but I love living near it. I wish we could move right down to the beach so I could hear the waves at night. If I can't have that then I want to live on the river. It's almost as good. The best river in this state is the Withlacochee. It's north of Tampa and it has Cypress swamps, black water and of course, gators. The first year I lived down here I lived almost on the river, my cabin was ony 500 ft. from it. I miss that the most. Hearing the gators talk back and forth at night, hearing the frogs. Going on blowboat rides is one of the best too. It's almost like riding a Harley, only you do get a little more wet.
I guess I'm just going to have to win the lottery and buy the old place so I can live there again.
Tuesday, July 09, 2002
Had a great weekend and now I get Tues. and Wed. off. I love this job sometimes, I'll still get my 40 and have 3 days off. Yay! Just in time too, Everything I own is in need of cleaning, my car is the worst, but of course, it's going to rain all day today so that means it's going to wait until tomorrow. The flooding here is getting worse but at least we're not under water yet. The winter was so dry that we needed at least 20 inches to catch up. We did that by the middle of June and now there's more than enough.
I won the Nascar pool again. I almost wish we paid 1st and 2nd cuz I had Mikey and Rusty this week. They finished 1st and 2nd. Of course there was another big crash, 2 of them really. You can see when they're going to happen, everyone gets bunched up and runs 3 wide. I think that racing that way is great but I hate the crashes. It seems that Nascar wants them to happen so that they can make the fans happy. Most fans that have been around a long time don't watch for the crashes, we watch to see our drivers win or to see good racing at the end.
I can't seem to get enough of NWN's. I'm only playing offline right now but it's fun. It's not hard to see the work they put into this.
Sunday, July 07, 2002
I haven't done many online quizzes lately but I liked this one. Thanks Sabby for the link.
Sometimes it would be nice to be a cat. Maybe I should change the name of this Blog from Greywolf to Shadowcat.
What Was Your PastLife?
Saturday, June 29, 2002
I just want to wish everyone a Fun and Firework filled Fourth of July! I'm not sure just how busy I'm going to be, but I do know that I have to work everyday except the Fourth. I'm going to try and find some virtual fireworks if I can and put them up for the holiday. If anyone can help just let me know.
Friday, June 28, 2002
Well, I installed NWN's late last nite. It's great, I'm having fun just walking around, I didn't realize how slow and yucky my old computer was until I started playing on this one. Now it's not the top of the line, I'm too poor for that but it's nice and should be alright for a few years. I haven't even started really digging in to all the things that I can do with the game but so far it's awesome. Today I'm going to tackle another quest and then fool around with the Dm parts.
At least I should be able to blog a bit more now, it doesn't take forever for a page to load. Things are much better.
Thursday, June 27, 2002
Finally broke down and bought a new computer. I couldn't play NWN's at all on the old one. It's been a crazy week, let's just say that life in Florida is back to normal, if I could just get used to life here. One week it's burning down and the next we're being flooded out.
I seem to be having problems with this new keyboard, it's a bit more touchy than the old one. Well, after I d/l some of the things that are still missing on this one, I going to install NWN's and play all nite.
Sunday, June 23, 2002
Just after I made my last post we had a really bad storm. Lightning decided it was time to take out my modem along with my phone and my microwave. What fun! Well it's easy to guess that I bought a new modem, I guess I can live without a microwave for a few weeks! Ha Ha! Remember what I said about priorites, not being able to get online was never a question. For a few hours after the lightning hit all of my TV's,including my monitor, had rainbow circles in them. They're all better now just had to demagnetize them. It even screwed up one of my Directv boxes. It's fine now also. Even with surge protectors and circuit breakers, if it's in the air they're still going to suck up the charge. That's life in Florida. At least it wasn't the house and everything in it.
I'm going to install NWN's now see ya all later.
Thursday, June 20, 2002
Just finished reading Matt's page and realized that today is the day NWN's goes on sale! I was sure it was tomorrow and of course, have no money today, well, that's not exactly true. I do have my credit cards but they're only for emergency use. I think that this is an emergency! Now, I could wait until tomorrow when I get paid or I could just go get it now. What a dilemma(sp). I'll never make it till tomorrow and we all know that. I can finally play DnD with everyone else! Now I just have to decide what's coming off of here to make room for it.
I'd have the new computer by now but I had to buy my tickets for the race in Homestead already. Oh well, sometimes it's hard to prioritize things.
Sunday, June 16, 2002
Saturday, June 15, 2002
Really slow week, nothing much going on here except work and more work. I'll have to talk to someone about that. All this work is taking up all my home time. I'm starting to get into a new game, don't know if it's any good yet, it doesn't officially start for a few more days. Thanks Brian for the links that helped me find it. I was going to do CC but I think it's more than this poor brain has time to figure out before everyone else. I'll just wait for Precrime, it's seems to be more on my level and more like my idea of something fun to do. I have done some of the CC but got stuck after I solved the page after the crazy email. If anyone else is looking for anything to do(not you Smitty) you're already there. Go to they have a few different games going on. See ya all later, have a good weekend or at least what's left of it!
Monday, June 10, 2002
Thanks for the Blob, Cari, my lupe needed a buddy.
I bought the fight Saturday nite, now I'm not a boxing fan. I just don't understand 2 grown men standing in a ring and beating the hell out of each other. I couldn't miss (hopefully) seeing Mike Tyson getting what he deserved. I lived a few miles from where he trained when he was with Don King and I used to go to King's house and take care of his plants. I never met Tyson but I sure didn't llike King. His wife was a very nice woman and I couldn't understand why she was married to an idiot like him. It was a good fight I guess, it looked like Lewis was going to walk away with it right from the beginning. I actually found myself cheering when Lewis hit Tyson so hard the sweat flew off of him. OK maybe now I'll be a fight fan, we'll see.
Saturday, June 01, 2002
The funeral was nice, I met some of the family from up north. Now, I'm not knocking Baptists, I've never been to a Baptist funeral until today. I'm sorry but I guess I'm just more used to a funeral being about the person that has passed, not so much about saving my soul. I agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, religion whatever but I don't think that it should be forced upon me when I'm grieving for a friend. I really miss John and wanted to hear some of the stories that people had to say about him, to laugh, not to cry anymore. The minister or priest or whatever he is, let 1 person come up and share his stories, that was it 1 person. We filled a church to standing room only and that was it! I've decide it's time to make a will and let everyone know what I want. I want laughter and good feelings. I only want tears from happiness not sadness. I need to lay down now. Nite all.
Wednesday, May 29, 2002
Heh. Heh. I taste like beer. I like beer. Buy me a beer. I'm not drunk, I can drink plenty without... What was I saying? Beer. What Flavour Are You? |
That's what my blood's been for the last week anyway. If I wasn't alcohol I'd be Vanilla, which has alcohol in it too.
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
Thursday, May 23, 2002" border="0">
You are Lestat. The Brat Prince of Vampires. You're great and you know it.
Find your inner vampire.
maybe it doesn't work so well after all
I love you man. You are probably the drink with the most fan clubs ever. A lot of people depend of you and your caffeine content to keep them up all night. Others are just addicted.Find your inner cola.
Wednesday, May 22, 2002
It's been really hard for the last few days, it seems like a week but it was really only yesterday morning. One of my best friends was murdered in his own driveway. At first they tried to say it was a suicide, but his friends knew better. This was a man who never took the easy way out of anything. He was a POW twice in the Vietnam War. He could have been discharged and become a civilian after the first time but he didn't. He always helped anyone out that he could. Now they think it might be some of those people that he helped. He opened his home to people if they didn't have a place to stay. All he required was that they worked and paid him a minimum amount of rent. If he had to work then so should they. That's fair. If you needed some cash and he had it, it was yours.Now whoever the lowlife %*$*@))$*$# is that did this, they better hope that the sheriff gets him before we find out who it is.
I wish I could say that this makes me feel better but it doesn't. There isn't going to be any feeling better for a long time to come.
Wednesday, May 15, 2002
Before anyone even says anything, I don't go to the movies. I like watching them at home with all the conveniences right here. I just saw 13 Ghosts and Ocean's Eleven. I loved both of them. 13 Ghosts is the kind of movie that I grew up watching, you know the kind, Alfred Hitchcok, Vincent Price, Roddy McDowell, all the greats. I finally joined Netflix and actually got my first choices. The other was A.I. but I haven't seen it yet. I'm going to watch it tonite.
OK now you have my attention. I can't wait for you all to get the new and improved game going. I know that with it being done by who's doing it(I'm sure I know who most of you are) that it will be fun. And a whole lot better than what we did before.
There is another game going on, at least I think he's ready to start. It's called Majackass. I met this person on the boards from the Lost Artifact site. If anyone is interested contact me and I'll give you the details. In the meantime I'm going to contact him and see if he's ready for all the attention he might be getting.
That's it for now. Be careful penig up your mailboxes, apparently the copycats are coming out now.
Wednesday, May 08, 2002
I think that I"ve done enough online tests to hold me for awhile. I need content but nothing much is going on here. Well that's not exactly true. They hopefully arrested the pipe bomber that has been making my job scary again. It never seems to end, I've decided that if I want to work where I work then I just have to remember that no matter what I'm a target for all the lunatics that are out there.Killinf or hurting us doesn't bother the government, we're just the grunts doing all of the work. They don't really care because it's not affecting them. They aren't getting hurt or murdered. The workers at the bottom of the list are. The people that they are robbing by cutting our pay but not our workload. I think if more people understood what was really going on then they wouldn't pick on the carriers, they would start much higher up. We just do our job no matter what they throw at us next.
That's my rant for now.
Tuesday, April 30, 2002
You are Phil Collins: When your friends were with you, you were the coolest, but on your own, you were a simpering crybaby. Go listen to Genesis. |
Now Genesis is one of my favorites but not so much with Phil as with Peter.
You are 30% evil! [?] |
You're still on the good side of 50%, but you're gaining on it. You're not as good as you should be, but you're good ALMOST all of the time. There's only an occasional time when evil takes over you, but when it does... |
Not so evil
It's been nice talking to everyone in chat today. I didn't realize how much I missed everyone. I guess I'm going to have to chat more often. That's your warning. I'm going to be around much more. I hope that now that it's really gone everyone finds something to do to keep us all together. It's nice being part of a community, a family if you will, we all started off with a game in common and have become more than that.
Sunday, April 28, 2002
Saturday, April 27, 2002
Find your emotion! [?]
I wish I was so full of Joy.
For some reason this didn't publish, I'm trying it again.
Tuesday, April 23, 2002
Not too much happened, he's on probation and I'll find out more about that on Friday. I think the po that he's going to see is one of my customers on my route. At least it'll be someone I sorta know.
I hope that everyone's alright and I know thatI'm counting the days till NWN's. I hope that there are still people willing to play whenever it gets released. I'm saving every penny I can to buy a bigger hard drive if not a better computer. The only thing that I don't like about living out here in the middle of farmland is that they still don't offer us dsl or anything but dial-up.
I'm going to wait another week before I update all my bad links, maybe by then everyone will have settled down to their new pages and not move so much. I know that I'm here for good, it just takes too much time to try and work on anything.. How did we have so much time before? Where did all the time come from?
And yes, my Lupe now has a friend.
Well, today's the day. We have to be in court this afternoon and find out exactly how much trouble he's really in. From the papers I've seen from his lawyer, it's not going to be too bad. Just enough to hopefully stop him from doing this again. If anyone's still around later I'll let you all know what's going on, 'til then. See ya.
Friday, April 19, 2002
Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.
I took Matt's quiz and this is me? Could be pretty cool, I guess!
Wednesday, April 17, 2002
It's an easy week at work(I hope). Only supposed to go in for a few hours a day. Maybe I can catch up on everything that's fallen behind.
I read on Matt's page that there's now a date for NWN's. I guess that means that it's time to upgrade. I need a computer that can actually handle games and let me play them the way they're supposed to be played. I'm not sure but I'm definitely going to try and save money. If I quit buying things that I really don't need and only want then there should be no problem.
Give me a day or two from this basic work release and everyone's links will be updated and maybe I'll have comments again.
Monday, April 15, 2002
I know I haven't posted much lately. I guess it's my addictive personality. I found the quests on Neopets and just got lost. Unfortunately (or fortunately) for my family, it closes for a few hours everyday, whether you want it to or not. They say it's server load. Whatever. I hope everyone is doing better and that winter is finally over for all you northerners. It's already to hot here and it's only April! Nothing else going on, work will never change except to get worse.
Wednesday, April 03, 2002
We finally went to court today. There's good news and bad news, the good news is that he isn't going to juvie any time soon and the bad news is that he's probably going to have to pay restitution and go on probation. I guess that's a lot better than the alternative. I haven't been blogging much lately, haven't had time between work and trying to deal with this court stuff. I hope everyone is alright. I'm going to go now and catch up on what you all have been up too. See ya on your pages.
Friday, March 29, 2002
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.
I think that the dam that is known as the post office is going to burst soon and unfortunately noone will ever realize that management is what has caused the problems. Some fool from the media will just tell the public that a person from the p.o. just went "postal". If anything that I've been reading online is only half true then there are quite a few carriers that have had enough of losing money every year. We are the only craft that makes money. Our routes are bigger than the city routes and we get them done faster. I'm not the one going "postal", all they did to me is turn it into another job, just like the last one that I left and just like the next one I'll probably be looking for when they go out of business. Yes, I do think that something major is going on at work, I'm just not sure how they'll stick it to us next!
Tuesday, March 26, 2002
It's another busy week down here. We still aren't caught up yet from the mail count we just went through. Of course, if they had delivered the mail to us so that we could deliver to our customers, we wouldn't be so backed up now. I think what they're trying to do is slip it through by making Monday's crazy and blaming it on having Sunday's off. What they don't seem to understand is that most of us have been on the routes a little longer than a day or two. Whatever.
Monday, March 25, 2002
Well, I do have a problem, I love strategy games and card games and there's all kinds of them. Some are too easy and the others, (that's where I've been) it's too bad I didn't learn about this instead of you know what. It's a lot easier to just play regular games and not get so involved. Although I do spend a whole bunch of time on Neopia right now. I'm sure that'll change with time. Well gotta go, time to feed Park.
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
OK, I went and got myself a Neopet. Never, I repeat NEVER, should have done it! Sorry to all the rest of you but I'm totally addicted, there are too many different games to play and things to do. My little Lupe and I spent the whole day discovering different things to do and haven't even covered half of it. Uh oh, I think that I'm going to have a serious problem here. I hope not, maybe within a few days I'll get bored and go looking for something else (somehow I don't think so). Blog more later, I think he might be hungry.
Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
You're upbeat, insightful, effervescent and imaginative.
Sometimes a little too imaginative... You're all about the subtext, about what's going on between the lines. You very rarely take anything at face-value.
You also have a tendancy to be a little neurotic and self-absorbed, and fall for guys who are either (for the most part) emotionally unattainable or completely wrong for you.
That's okay, though, everyone loves you anyway. You're very well-liked. You always have a shoulder for your friends to cry on or an ear for them to gossip in. High-profile and fun, you're the life of the party.
Carrie quotes:
"You can't make friends with a squirrel. Squirrels are just rats with cuter outfits."
"I'm thinking balls are to men, what purses are to women. It's just a little bag but we'd feel naked in public without it."
"The only thing I've ever successfully made in the kitchen is a mess. And several small fires."
Tuesday, March 19, 2002
I was in the middle of a post and msn just decided to shut down, Oh well, I'm not redoing it. Let's just say that it's hot down here and just going to get hotter.
Tried to find someone in chat last nite, when are you all on? Probably when I'm stuck at work. Well, I just wanted to say hi and hope everyone's well. Hopefully chat soon.
Monday, March 18, 2002
Sunday, March 17, 2002
Crazy week, it's almost over. Today I'm going to try and clean everything. My dad's on his way down and I haven't seen him in 7 years. We talk on the phone and online so at least we keep in touch. It's going to seem really weird with him and my mom here at the same time. They've been divorced for over 10 years and both of them in Florida at the same time is strange. I'm taking a few days off from work to spend some time with him. He's staying at Fort Myers beach. What a place to be during spring break! I guess I'll go spend some time there with him.
Well, better go, too much to do and not enough time to do it.
Wednesday, March 13, 2002
I was wandering around Yahoo and found a link to the Majestic front page. Now, thinking back it had been a long time since I've looked at anything having to do with the "game". So I clicked on it, imagine my surprise when there was a message for us beta testers that our mailing list has finally been removed and that we were "saved" from getting the virus they sent us by them replacing it with a harmless attachment. Whatever. The list should have been deleted forever ago and we shouldn't have recieved anything more from them.
This is copied from them.
Earlier this week an internal client system at Electronic Arts became infected with the "Hi" email virus. As a result, the virus sent emails from the client machine to every distribution list that existed on the infected machine, including the list. The Electronic Arts email servers did their job and successfully removed the virus and replaced it with a harmless "alert.txt" attachment message. If you were a member of the list, you probably received the "Hi" email message, but you did not receive the virus itself.
We regret any confusion that the email virus caused and have deleted the distribution list to avoid any further confusion.
They seem to be the only ones confused, we already know that they can't figure out how to run a good game, except into the ground.
Tuesday, March 12, 2002
Saturday, March 09, 2002
All hell is breaking out at work, we've got the head of the union filing greivances and the carriers all saying that they aren't signing their count sheets. Now, I know this doesn't mean much to you all but it means a much smaller paycheck for me and the rest of the rural carriers in the post office. We're having what the post office calls a "count". It's where we count every piece of mail,(letters, packages, magazines, etc.) That's how we get paid. Basically. Now somehow, over the last week, a lot of mail has disappeared. The amount that we usually get is cut in half. Routes that used to be way too big are not staying that way. Our count period ends on Thursday. When that happens everyone is going to find their mailboxes stuffed full from everything that magically reappears.
Now, most people are used to dealing with city carriers, they are paid by the hour, we are not. We are paid by evaluated time, whether we get the route done in that amount of time or not. The only time we get paid hourly is if we go over 40 hours for the week and believe me, they do everything they can to make sure that doesn't happen. If a route is underevaluated we work for free. And by not giving us the volume of mail that we should normally be getting, the routes will be underevaluated.
There are other ways for them to short change us as well and they are also trying those.
Sorry about the rant but it was necessary after finding out how bad we are being cheated.
Friday, March 08, 2002
Thursday, March 07, 2002
I think I'm going to have a good ending to a bad week. I won't know for sure until 9:30 tomorrow, (friday) morning but I'm supposed to have the day off. Yay, I get to stay home and clean my house. As long as I stay away from this da** thing. Somehow time just slips away when I'm online and nothing gets done that needs to. If any of you happen to see me online just IM me and tell me that you're coming over, to me there's nothing worse than having people over when my house is trashed. That should get me moving,I know it's not for real but, I need that little kick to get started.
My grandma's coming down this weekend. She'll be staying at my mom's new place. Sometimes I find so hard to believe that she's 86 years old. Wow, what a life she's had and is still having.
Monday, March 04, 2002
I'm so glad that this Monday is over. First, I get to do a route that I really don't like, it's over 5 hours on the street which makes for a really long day. And it's getting colder out, so I stop and get a cup of hot chocolate, no more coffee, 3 cups are definitely enough when I have to sit in my car for 5 hours in the middle of nowhere and deliver mail. I only delivered to 5 mail boxes and crash, my cupholder falls. There goes my whole cup of hot chocolate, didn't even get a sip. Ok, nothing to clean it up with and no more places to get more. It finally soaks through my carpet and drains out the floor. It's an old car. I keep delivering and all of a sudden, BAM, ROAR! wtf? My muffler blows a hole and being an 8 cylinder, it isn't quiet. So for the next 4 hours I get to sound like a teenage with glasspacs, trying to make my Grand Marquis sound ike a race car. What fun!
Then when I finally get home, my youngest son tells me that one of my other sons want to move back down here and wants me to buy his ticket. Now I love my children, but what does he intend to do once he gets here? He'll have no car, no job and a couch to sleep on. I live at least 3 miles from the nearest busstop and even further from any where he could work. It seems to me that this would be worse for him. At least where he's at, he can catch rides to work and he is working. He's the one that was just here on vacation and I think he had a little too much fun. He used to live here and hated it. He couldn't wait to move away. Well, nothing's really changed here. It's still the same and always will be.He's changed, only because he's older now. Sorry, I just really neede to get this off my chest. And that's what this blog is supposed to be about, I guess.
I have all kinds of stuff to continue to write about but I'm tired and Tomorrow's another day.
Friday, March 01, 2002
Thursday, February 28, 2002
Well, I got the fifty plus emails from ea. You would think by now the list would be deleted. The beta testing is long over and Majestic isn't returning. It seems highly unlikely that they would keep the list around when it isn't necessary any longer. I still look for a game with the same ideas to surface someday, not quite sure if I'd want to test it. Sometimes we get too close to something new and it fails miserably just like the "game."
I met some great people online along the way and for that I'm happy. I've learned a great deal about my computer and myself too. It's made me a bit more confidant in "surfing" and in chatting in a room. No more shyness, just jump in with both feet and have a good time. Thanks all.
Not much going on here this week. Just trying to get everything ready for next week. I think I made the right decision about getting a lawyer. At least this way I have an idea of what I should and shouldn't do. I'm not sure if it'll help any, but it's worth giving it a try. This is after all his first time in trouble.
We didn't do so well in darts last night, I think I had a few too many beers beforehand. Every now and then you just got to let loose and get really ****faced. I succeeded, beautifully. The surprising thing is that I didn't have to pay for it this morning. Not a good sign, the whole reason I stopped drinking so much was because of feeling really bad in the morning. It's hard to read the addresses when your eyes are fuzzy. Oh well. Maybe it just fits the stage that I'm in. Hope that changes soon.
Sunday, February 24, 2002
One more thing, I just took another step towards being a wanderer, I was going to upgrade my computer with my income tax money, instead I bought a motor home. Now I can travel and take my house with me. By the time I can get anything besides dial-up here, I'll have the money saved again to upgrade anyway.
This is cool, I always pick this kind of character anyway. At least I'm going the way I should. I've always wanted to be a magical wanderer.
I Am A: Neutral Good Elf Mage Ranger
Neutral Good characters believe in the power of good above all else. They will work to make the world a better place, and will do whatever is necessary to bring that about, whether it goes for or against whatever is considered 'normal'.
Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently conccern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.
Primary Class:
Mages harness the magical energies for their own use. Spells, spell books, and long hours in the library are their loves. While often not physically strong, their mental talents can make up for this.
Secondary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy ofNeppyMan (e-mail)
I've decided not to go to geocities. I'm just going to mess with the template here and make a few changes. I don't seem to have any time to do anything. I'd like to try and make it look a little different then everyone else's but being still new at this, it's going to happen a little at a time. I'm sure when, not if, I screw it up really bad, I can count on a few of you to help me out. You all know who you are. ; ) And yes I have backed up this template in case I do so bad that you all can't even help.
Thursday, February 21, 2002
The Font Quiz - You are Redensek!
Thought I might give it a try.
We went to see my lawyer friend today, he might be able to help get my son out of some of the trouble he's in. I told him I don't want him out of all of it, he needs to learn a lesson here. Yes, that might sound really mean but if we don't stop him now, as a juvie, it's only going to be harder when he's older. Except for this trouble he's always been a good kid and I would like for him to stay that way.
Tuesday, February 19, 2002
Another fun 12 hour day at work, tomorrow is more of the same. I just wanted to say hey to everyone, if anyone's still reading. I think that this job has finally become a real job. No time for a life anymore, no time to even stop in and say hi in chat. My r/l friends think that I've moved out of state and my family , well they're just used to me disappearing every now and then. They know that like a "bad penny" eventually I'll show up somewhere, alive and well. I'm glad I started keeping this blog, at least it makes me sit down for a few minutes and pay attention to me instead of everyone around me. Thanks to whoever came up with this idea and I wish you all would have told me about it sooner. More later if I get time.
Monday, February 18, 2002
So much for picking winners, Stewart was out with only 2 laps run. Oh well, maybe this weekend he'll do better.
I finally get an extra day off from work and do I get to clean my house, update my whole blog or even just lay around and do nothing? No, I have to go and clean my mom's place down here. They'll be here wednesday and since my stepdad just had surgery I wanted the place to be nice for them. For a place that noone's been in for a month or so, it sure was messy. I wish I could get my place to look even close to clean but right now I have to settle for being able to walk around and eat off of clean dishes. I guess that's not too bad.
The lawyer called me today about my son. He's charging me next to nothing. I hope that means that it won't be much to help get Sean out of trouble. We've got a meeting with him on Thursday, I'll know more then. The free skate is on, hope everyone has a good day.
Sunday, February 17, 2002
Today's the first race of the season. Daytona is the best track and the best time. We went last year and had a great time. Fortunately or unfortunately, as the case may be, we weren't there for the race on Sunday. I had to work Saturday so we only saw the IROC race and the trucks. It was better that we weren't there. It was sad when Dale Earnhardt died. I hope today's race is accident free, we don't need to lose any more drivers. Good Luck to all the drivers and God Bless.
BTW, I pick Tony Stewart to win, even though I've always been a Ford fan.
Friday, February 15, 2002
Wednesday, February 13, 2002
AT least I know I'm not crazy. The Canadian couple did do well. It's a shame that the judges don't know what's good and what isn't. Maybe some changes will happen now and they'll be accountable for their actions. Of course it's too late, they won't be given the Gold that they deserve, medals are very rarely taken back. All of this so that the Russians streak wasn't broken.
Monday, February 11, 2002
There's no way that they lost, somehow, someway something's wrong. They skated the best, they had the marks! Sure they got a silver but, come on, anyone who was watching knows they were the best out there tonight. The Canadian figure skating team had it. Everyone knew it, the audience gave them a standing ovation. They booed when the marks came up. 2nd? NO way! But that's what happened. I guess the best doesn't always finish first.
I know you all aren't much into Nascar, but I've loved racing since I was little. We used to go to quarter mile tracks, Mid-Ohio which was Dragway 42 back then and Thompson Drag Raceway. I guess it's in my blood, I was married to a mechanic and have lived with another for 7 years now, can't get away from them I guess. Anyway, back to what I was talking about. just started their fantasy games and I'm pretty excited about the drivers I got in the first draft
1. Tony Stewart(love his attitude!)
2. Ricky Rudd
3. Terry Labonte( he rides with Tony the tiger)
4. Kyle Petty
5. John Andretti
6. Ryan Newman(a rookie with lots of promise)
I think that we'll go far this year and maybe even win.
Saturday, February 09, 2002
Not much going on here, I watched the figure skating this evening. I can't figure it out, I hate the cold weather don't like ice or snow, but I'm fascinated, watching couples figureskate. They're just so graceful. So far my favorite team is the Canadien team. The U.S. team has already fallen twice on the first night. Hopefully they won't do it again.
Thursday, February 07, 2002
OK, now this is really weird, I get to take my son the the sheriff's office and have him arrested today. They were here yesterday and told him that I have to bring him in. If they want him that bad, why didn't they take him yesterday? I think that maybe they are just trying to scare him, I hope it works.
I hope that everyone's problems get better. I'm not trivializing anything, I really don't want everyone going through bad times, why is it that RL has to be so bad for so many at the same time?The worst thing is that it's not anything that anyone has done, it's out of our control. I know that there are ebbs in everyone's life it just seems strange that it happens to so many at the same time.
Tuesday, February 05, 2002
Hi all, I hope everyone's alright. Not doing to bad here. I've finally decided that it's just not worth it to worry any more. Whatever's going to happen is going to happen and driving myself insane isn't going to change a thing. I guess all of this insanity is because the last few years have been quiet and very uneventful. Payback all at once really sucks though.
I miss chatting with everyone and wish that things were different but I guess my self-esteem is low enough not to go where I feel that I haven't been invited. I guess maybe today is just a low day for me.
They finally signed a new contract at work, of course it doesn't change much for me. We'll get a lump sum cost-of-living check sometime around July or August that will be nice but other than that, they'll just pay us less to do more, like always.
Sunday, February 03, 2002
I've added a new link to the left side. It's Cedar Point, one of the best rollercoaster parks in the world. I grew up at this park, I'm just a rollercoaster freak at heart. They've added 3 coasters since I was there last. I definitely need to go up there this summer and try them out. They look awesome! We even went there for Prom weekend in high school. What a long time ago that was!
Wee, January's over and so is most of the trouble that my son was in. We had a long talk last nite with the detectives and he's cleared on all of the major stuff that someone tried to pin on him. I was never so happy in my life that he ran away. It gave him the alibi that he needed to be cleared. Strange huh? There is one other thing that he might be in trouble for but it's minor and it's also his first offense. We won't know about that until tomorrow.
It just amazes me that as soon as January is over everything falls into place and things get better. My finances are going to be bad for awhile but a few weeks of work will take care of that. At least the bills are paid and I'm not totally broke.
Thursday, January 31, 2002
Hopefully things are getting better around here, my youngest son should be back home late tonight or early tomorrow, if he ever gets in this kind of trouble again, I'm going to turn into one of those parents that they lock up in a mental hospital and throw away the key.
A brief mention of things that have happened since last Tuesday:
1. Tony gets burned out of the second place he's lived in 6 months, that's too many fires for me.
2. My stepfather, goes in to get a check-up and finds out he has colon cancer. He had surgery on Monday.
3. My youngest son is suspected in a hold-up, Luckily he's out of state because he ran away from home the night before. He has proof that he wasn't here. It's a good thing that motels give receipts. The worse thing here is that he isn't a troublemaker. He's never done this kind of thing before. I've always given him money for whatever he needs, so why pick on him?
4. I've been so out of it lately that I actually bounced a check: ( . I haven't bounced a check since I was married!?$$$. I'm glad I have a good bank, they're only charging me their fee, they cleared the check anyway.
5.There are only a few good things that happened, my frig finally showed up,(it was a present from my mom)
Tony didn't get hurt at all, he lost everything, including my pics from them growing up. My stepdad is doing well, and last but definitely not least, my boyfriend took my raving lunacy in stride. It's about time I found someone to deal with my crazy life.
Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite?? Quiz
Sex is such an important part of my life, I might as well be a lion, too bad that the lioness doesn't get more than 1 mate.
Tuesday, January 29, 2002
Congratulations, Keri, I'm so happy things went well for you yesterday.
In other news,they're protesting down here now, they're afraid that the immigrants that work in the fields are going to be detained. I'm not against anyone earning a living however they have to (legally) do it, but I don't think that they should be able to work at the expense of some who have done everything that they have to to become legal citizens of this country. I know that it's not easy right now to obtain citizenship but most of these people have been here for years and haven't even tried. They work under the table and live 10 or more to a house. IMO they are the reason why people who are really trying to get citizenship can't.
That's my little rant for today.
Monday, January 28, 2002
Alignment Test: Results
Law: 3
Chaos: 6
Good: 3
Evil: 0
Your alignment: Chaotic Good
I found this one on the Planet ADnD site, See I'm not evil.
Sunday, January 27, 2002
Results Str: 7
Int: 13
Wis: 15
Dex: 10
Con: 9
Chr: 16
not bad I guess, although I thought I was a little stronger than that!
Friday, January 25, 2002
Horoscope (by
Opposition might come in many forms today, dear Scorpio. You may find that other people's egos are getting in the way of their seeing the real truth in the matter. Powerful bursts of erratic energy are at work to add a bit of spice to the current situation. As things get stirred up, you may be asked to make some important decisions. Trust your instincts. Mental analysis is apt to be met with some serious opposition from within.
If this isn't the way things have been lately!
Thursday, January 24, 2002
Tuesday, January 22, 2002
"And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I
don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying?
There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime."
"I never said I was frightened of dying."
The Great Gig in the Sky (Wright)
I'm not afraid to die, I'm beginning to believe that someone or something is after 1 of my children though. For the second time in under 6 months a place that my son Tony has been living in has burned down. Both time's from someone else's fault. The apartment that he was living in this last time was above businesses in the same small town I grew up in, Wickliffe, Ohio. Now, I realize that the building is an old one but the coincidences (sp) and the short period of time involved tend to make one more than a little paraniod. This time he was living with a friend of mine that I grew up with, last time it was with my brother. He was only at my friend Chris's house for another 2 weeks while they finished rebuilding the last place that burned. I was relieved to hear that everyone is ok and that they all got out safe. The worst thing is that I haven't talked to him yet, I don't know where he is, my mom called me this morning and told that she saw him on the morning news and that he was fine. I guess she hasn't been able to find him yet either because he's supposed to call me and tell me he's ok. I guess no news is good news.
We have had the strangest fog down here for the last few days. They call it sea fog. It hangs around forever, today it didn't clear up until almost 2 this afternoon. Usually fogs burns off with the sun here.
Monday, January 21, 2002
Friday, January 18, 2002
It's been an up and down week. First the car is screwed and then Tony(one of my twins) goes back to Ohio. He's excited, he has a 6 hour layover in DC and plans on going to the Smithsonian and finish looking around. He decided to try Amtrak this trip and loves it. He expects to come back down for spring break and wants to fly that time. More time to be on the beach. I had a great time with him here.
Now the up part, we did it, we were in 1st place from the beginning in darts and we kept it through the end. We are number 1. I wish we could keep our team together but we have a blind draw at the beginning of each league to try and keep it fair. The 4 of us were really good together, we didn't win every game but we never had a losing nite. Yay!!!
It's finally warm again here, I'm glad. I moved here to be warm, if I wanted to be cold I would have stayed up north.
The car still isn't fixed but soon I hope. I've been driving around a 1980 camaro that sounds like a hotrod. It's cool but not where I have to go for work. They'll pull you over for anything there. I figure I'll be talking to them soon, they just haven't noticed me yet.
I think that the holidays are really and truly over. Thanks to the one.
Monday, January 14, 2002
Not an especially good day for me, the brain went on my car and it'll take 2 days to get a new one. That means no work. Usually a vacation would be nice, but not right now. Oh well, life goes on. I guess I really should get a new car but I don't want to tear up a new one with my job. I'm better off with older ones. They can take a beating better.
My connection is acting up again. It hasn't done that in a long time. I guess I shouldn't complain, it was really good there for a while and I forgot what a pain it could be. I get emails everyday saying that I can upgrade to DSL, that it's available in my area now, yea right, maybe in 10 years or so.
Ok, my ranting is done for today, hope everyone's in a better mood than I am.
Friday, January 11, 2002
I was about to give up and I guess whatever was wrong is now fixed. Of course, I have nothing to say now.
One of my twins, Tony came in wednesday and we've been having a good time. I took him out with me wednesday nite to darts and he loved it. I loved it because we're still in first place with only 1 week to go. The only way we lose first is to lose all of our games next week. I'm not going to jinx it and say we won't lose but I will say that we haven't had a losing nite yet. I hope that that isn't too much. More later.
I hope this one works. I haven't been able to publish anything for a few days. I took the LotR's test and it completely screwed up my page. I'm going to try again. It still won't work. I guess i shouldn't be taking anymore tests.
I got Merry which is cool maybe tomorrow I'll get it to work right, tonite I'm just too tired.
I like Merry, he was a happy hobbit, just a little frightened every now and then.
Hope everyone is fine.
Sunday, January 06, 2002
Just got finished reading up on everyone's blogs, boy have you all had a busy time lately! I've been mostly working but did get a few parties in somehow. My brother just arrived from Ohio yesterday, I took him to a friend's house last night to show him what the real Florida is like. It's not all about the tourist traps and the amusement parks. It's also real people that are hard working and know how to have fun. I think he had a good time. This is the first time in over 7 years that we have seen each other. I almost didn't recognize him.
One of my twins, Tony, will be here on Wednesday. He's coming down from Ohio too. He and my brother lived together up there until the condo that they were living in burned down. As soon as it's rebuilt they're moving back in. I'm glad that they get along so well. We didn't(my brother and me) but that's just sibling rivalry. We had a great time and it's going to be even better when Tony gets here.
I think I bought a travel trailer last night, A friend of mine has one and I'm almost positive he sold it to me. It needs a little work, noone's used it for over a year and the roof is leaking around the vents. For $300, I couldn't go wrong though. Now all I need is someplace to park it. Maybe down at the beach somewhere so we can go down there and party and have a place to stay that doesn't cost and arm and a leg. That'll teach me though for drinking fat girl drinks all night. In cas you didn't know, fat girl drinks are the kind with ice cream or milk, last night we were drinking White Russians. I didn't feel like messing with a blender all night long so we skipped anything to do with ice cream.
I hope everyone's ok, talk to you soon I hope.
Wednesday, January 02, 2002
Tuesday, January 01, 2002
I know it's only a little over 16 hours old but I think that this year has to be better than the last. I know enough not to get sucked into any online,episodic games that don't go anywhere. I've also learned that lurking won't get you anywhere, if you're not part of the community you just get ignored.
I'm still thinking about DnD, NWN's is never going to be released and I'm bored. I finally d/l'd openrpg and found all kinds of things to play with. I drew a few things and found out that if I take my time I can draw. I never thought I could do it. Python is something new for me and I'm going to try and learn everything I can about it. I'm sure I'll be lousy at first, but hey, everyone has to start somewhere. Maybe next week things will finally slow down at work and I can really start playing with it.
I hope everyone's safe and had a great time last nite. I know I did.