Thursday, August 22, 2002

I don't get to chat much anymore so I'm not sure how many of you are into the whole ARGN thing that's been going on, but there's been a new game announced that starts up in about a month. It looks like a lot of fun and they're saying that the first puzzles aren't the same as the ones in the Treasure Hunt itself. I've been looking for something to do besides NWN's, it's fun but I need something a little more. I think I may have found it. We'll see, I've said that before and it bombed. I wish I would have gotten into ChangeAgents when they started again, but I didn't and now everyone playing is way ahead. I guess by playing in what must have been a beta test last year, I didn't realize that it was for real this time. Oh well.

Gotta go, cooking ribs and they smell really good.

Sunday, August 18, 2002

Been really crazy lately. Working to much, trying to remodel the bathroom and adding a really big porch to the house. Summertime in Florida is not a good time to do any of this but it needs to be done. When they remodeled this place a few years ago the didn't spend much on it, that's for sure. The sink in the bathroom was painted! Now you all know what happens when paint meets Comet right? What a mess. I mean all they had to do was spend about $20 and they could have had a better sink. Well, I fixed that problem, I spent a whole lot more and have a sink that will last a lot longer. They also put carpet in the bathroom, YUCK, you can carpet anywhere in the house except the bathroom. Well, there's new tile for there too. The kitchen is next but it won't be as much. All I need in there is tile instead of carpet, the cabinets aren't bad and I just bought a new fridge and stove less than a year ago.

Enough about my house, it's almost race time and it should be a good one today. They're racing in Michigan and it's always fun there.

It's fun playing NWN's. I just started a new guy, he's an elf-ranger. It's a big difference between him and my first one who is a human-fighter. I can't figure out how to take screenshots so just believe me when I say that it's awesome. A few bugs are popping up here and there but for the most part they're easily fixed. I'm stuck though. I won't say where for all of you that aren't playing yet but when somebody gets to Beorunna's (sp) Well, let me know.

Hope everyone's Happy and Safe.

Thursday, August 08, 2002

Here's another wonderful use for Cabbage

Breast Augmentation

Hello and welcome back to another edition of the Way Weird Ezine. Americans are always trying to improve their sexuality by changing their appearance. Many women turn to diets to slim themselves down, and others are now using botox to remove wrinkles from their faces. But there's a new type of procedure in London that is making its way to the US that may end breast augmentation with implants as we know it.

Doctor Ronald Joelsy, a cosmetic surgeon based in London, has develop a new breast augmentation procedure that eliminates the worries of implants leaking in the chests of women. I was able to get Dr. Joelsy on the phone, and the procedure sounds a little painful. Here's what he had to say,:
"Fifteen years ago I told my wife that if she didn't get implants in her chest I was going to leave her. I am a boob man." he said with a chuckle, "But two years after the operation her 64 triple D implants started to leak, and two weeks later she died from complications. I felt a little bad about the whole thing, so I started testing new forms of implants from saline based all the way to petroleum jelly implants. I even developed a cabbage implant that I used on a client, and although the breasts looked a little lumpy from the drying of the cabbage leaves, you couldn't tell with her shirt and bra on. But it was too unproven, and frowned upon by people in my profession. So then I develop electro-synthetic-correlation."

He then explained how this procedure works:
"I take each breast and over a 3 year period, once per week my clients come in and I use electric motion on each breast to put them into shock, which can cause them to grow:

I asked him if the procedure has worked yet, and he told me not yet, but he has high hopes.

Ladies of the world, keep your breasts the way they are, and don't electrocute them.

I'm used to getting some very strange emails but this is the strangest yet. To bad it didn't come in while the Cabbage Alliance was still around.

Thursday, August 01, 2002

Since noone has updated lately, I'm assuming you've all watched The Ring and are just waiting for your 7 days to be up. There really is no other explanation since someone updates at least once a week. Well I"m here to say that I watched about 2 minutes last nite so we'll just see if that's true. J/K

This is always a slow time of year, the kids are getting ready to go back to school and r/l takes over. I'm glad mine are grown and I don't have to go school shopping anymore. I'm not a shopper. I hate going to the mall. I only go there once a year, around Christmas for presents for mom and dad.(and of course, for the hot pretzels) When I lived up north, the mall up there had a place where you could get corn dogs, the one down here doesn't. We also don't have Big Boys, I miss the sauce.

It's my day off, I guess I should go and do all the stuff that needs to be done.

This'll teach me to blog whenI'm drinking.