Monday, July 26, 2004

wow, updates around here are great, I mean bloggers not mine. I  do have pics and stories, there's just been so much going on. 3 new args, trying to get sleep to make up for all that I missed while on vacation, and of course, work. I haven't had time to do any blogging. The pics have all been named and will be posted (for the most part) on Mart's site.  He has nicely offered the space and I have gratefully accepted.
I loved Vancouver, it's beautiful mountains, water, and for the most part people. I say that because on the day we left someone stole my laptop. That was the only bad stain on the whole trip. The weather was perfect, it only rained once, on monday morning, for a few hours and then faded away over the mountains. We ended up with a perfect party room and great people to party with. More next time and maybe a pic or two.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Well, we're off to Vancouver, hope everyone's ready for pics when we get back. I'm excited about going and yet worried about the long flight. I don't like being cooped up for a long period of time. And the lack of smoking is going to kill me. I've got hard candy and other snacks with me, that should help a bit. We'll be back Tuesday, everyone have fun. Bye!