Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Well, I voted today, not totally Democratic because there are some real losers in this state. Sometimes you have to vote for the lesser of 2 evils and I believe that voting for Jeb as governor again is the right thing to do. McBride would have raided our pay checks and started a state income tax.That's the only way he could have afforded to do all the things he promised. I believe I pay enough taxes to take care of everything (schools, which I don't have any children in, our fire district, which lets things burn before they show up anyway, Mosquito(sp) control, which is almost worthless in Florida, etc. etc. etc.)
And no I have no facts to back it up but, what happened to all that oil we were supposed to have after they ran their pipeline through Alaska? Wasn't that the be-all end-all of our supposed dependence on other countries? As long as they can keep the prices up there will never be enough oil to satisfy the oil companies. I don't believe that they should drill in the Gulf of Mexico( I know that they are). I also believe that they have the necessary cars, trucks,planes and equipment for heating, cooling and processing that can use less fuel but won't use them either. That's less money in their fat ass wallets and we can't have that now can we?
I suppose in a way I work for this so called government but being an RCA for the Post Office is about as low on the ladder as you can get. We are the one's that do all the work and don't get paid for it. That's not right either, we do get paid for it but what they pay, without of course benefits, which RCA's don't recieve, it's not much better than minimum wage. The bullshit involved leads to health problems and never knowing if the next person to stop you is going to shoot you or ask directions can be stressful. Just one more on this little rant about work and I'm done. I don't get sick days, that's no problem, I will when I go regular. What gets me is that they give you so many, 5 I think a year, but they don't want you to use them. They're constantly complaining about them. Now the PO employs over 800,000 people and they say there's too much absenteeism if 500 people a day call in sick. That doesn't sound that bad to me.

Back to the voting.They're trying to pass a law here like they did in California, so that you can't smoke in restaurants and other public places, yes I am a smoker, so what, I don't think that they should have to right to tell me that I can't light up after a good meal or when I'm drinking a beer. I do try and make sure that it's not bothering others around me, I don't like the smoke either.

I need to go, I'm starving to death right now.

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