Saturday, February 08, 2003

It must be getting closer to start time for Chasing the Wish, the updates page has changed 3 times in as many days. I can't wait, it doesnt' seem like there's much of anything to do right now. I guess I could search for another game or go back to NWN's. I've kind of given up on that for a while. I've been spending way too much time doing other things and haven't had ime to play lately.

I miss GNE too. At least there was always someone around when I felt like chatting. It was something I could do and either mind my own business or chat away. I must be in one of those moods tonite. I'm missing a lot of things. I miss the chats with everyone from Majestic. I hope that they haven't been around much is because they're working on a project. That's all I'm going to say about that. See ya all around, soon I hope!

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