Friday, September 05, 2003

I guess I don't have to worry to much about this becoming a habit, I don't have time to write much these days.

Chasing the Wish is over. That's sad, I would have to say that it was excellent! Leave it to Dave to make the most exciting and interesting game around. And all without a major sponsor! He kept many, many people's time occupied for well over 6 months and I don't remember hearing anyone complaining about it ever being slow. I can't wait for him to do something else. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure I can do more than lurk.

Puzzlepirates is going well. I've joined a crew "Pirates of the Damned" and they're really into the game. Our captain, Thanos, tries to fair to everyone and tries to get his senior officers more involved in helping the crew. It's another game that I don't get enough time to really enjoy. I'd like to have my own boat and maybe a shop but no time for that either. I've started a second character on there just to solo every now and then but it's more fun with the crew.

And of course, my favorite, GNE. I'm ging to try and spend more time in chat. Things are moving along, slowly, but moving. There's more people in chat now. Some I've not seen for months, some new. I like that it says I've been there from olden times. I have been but it's nice to see something progressing and know that you've been there almost from the start.

Enough of my games and no more time, I have to get some sleep.

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