Thursday, March 07, 2002

I think I'm going to have a good ending to a bad week. I won't know for sure until 9:30 tomorrow, (friday) morning but I'm supposed to have the day off. Yay, I get to stay home and clean my house. As long as I stay away from this da** thing. Somehow time just slips away when I'm online and nothing gets done that needs to. If any of you happen to see me online just IM me and tell me that you're coming over, to me there's nothing worse than having people over when my house is trashed. That should get me moving,I know it's not for real but, I need that little kick to get started.

My grandma's coming down this weekend. She'll be staying at my mom's new place. Sometimes I find so hard to believe that she's 86 years old. Wow, what a life she's had and is still having.

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