Friday, September 13, 2002

I didn't realize how much I like my time online, until I don't have any time. I'm not sure how I ever got to spend hours everyday online not even that long ago. Now it's impossible to finish reading my email. I'm usually too tired when I get home to do anything,work is supposed to slow down when all the snowbirds go home. That hasn't happened this year. I feel like I'm working Christmas hours. 55 to 60 hours a week. It's killing me. So instead of being out on friday nite here I sit trying to blog andnot having anything to say. You have to have some kind of life outside of work to have anything interesting to say. I don't!

I just checked up on everyone and you all seem to be doing well. At least you're still blogging or keeping us updated on stuff. We did have a little bit of excitement down the road. Alligator Alley was closed for most of today because they thought that these guys were terrorists. I still believe that something was going on but that they weren't the real thing. Why would they draw so much attention to themselves? I mean, everyone knows that if you blow through the toll plaza, someone's going to come after you, right? And then instead of trying to claim their innocence(sp) they get nasty with the F#I guys.

We're right in the heart of hurricane season, so maybe something exciting might just happen soon. For some reason, this part of Southwest Florida is pretty well protected from the worst of the storms. They all semm to miss us or just give us a lot of rain and wind. Hopefully everyone else will be safe this year.

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