Thursday, July 25, 2002

Ok I just reread my last post, I think I need a change of scenery for a while, it must be time for vacation. I've always felt that spying isn't a good thing but to totally b*%#& about it I must be really cranky and in need of some serious relaxation. That being said, I can't get any time off until November from work. We are so short handed it's unreal. The supervisors don't like giving us overtime but tomorrow I go in already 3 hours over. Normally, I would just be given the day off and that's that. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to work at the PO. It sucks in the summer and there aren't any benefits for at least 6 years. But damn, the pay is excellent for south Florida and the winters are great. It can be stressful but making minimum wage is worse. And one other thing, it's no longer a civil service job, you still have totake a test but it's mostly memory and making sure that your not dyslexic(sp).

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