Monday, July 29, 2002

Nice day today, I can't believe I came home on a Monday and my house was clean. I guess they've decided it's not worth listening to me anymore. Life is pleasant when everyone picks up after themselves. Yay.

Finding stuff to do online, I'm hoping that a good game is going to appear soon. I like NWN's and am still having fun with that but I think I"m going to have to take it online real soon. I don't know if I'm ready or not yet though. It's lke when I play Diablo online, I know enough about it not to let anyone take advantage of whatever level I may be but I'm not sure if NWN's is going to work the same way. I guess there's only one way to find out.

Munin, I recieved my coin in the mail today, Thanks, I love it! Your feedback is already done. One question though, do you know who Cynthia Webb is? She's the one who made it and I was just curious.

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