Saturday, November 03, 2001

the names have been changed to protect the clueless, sometimes they just ask for it.
megantheredqueen: so that's five times she left for
every two times she came back
dparadise20: that's aim for ya
clueless has entered the room.
clueless: how do you play this fucking game?????
Smyth82A: it plays you
dparadise20: brb
dparadise20 has left the room.
clueless: im aware of that....but right now this
is as far as i can get
Smyth82A: and "this" would be where?
clueless: this room
clueless: lol
megantheredqueen: Press Esc to activate a list of
Majestic functions.
clueless has left the room.
Smyth82A: hahahhaha
megantheredqueen: if it hadn't sworn...
Smyth82A: meg, what would we do without you?
clueless has entered the room.
megantheredqueen: Die happy, I suppose.
Smyth82A: what happened?
clueless: ummmmm......didnt do anything
megantheredqueen: :-D
Smyth82A: AIM crash I guess
Smyth82A: try it again
megantheredqueen: sometimes alt + F4 works better
clueless has left the room.
Smyth82A: sweet jesus
megantheredqueen: ROFL
clueless has entered the room.
Smyth82A: AIM crash again?
Smyth82A: AIM sucks, in case you were suspicious
megantheredqueen: DP knows it.
Smyth82A: and yet they make us use it
clueless: now......why in the fuck do you people
have to be assholes with me its like a senior putting
a freshman in a locker
Smyth82A: yep...dp has been kicked out a lot today
megantheredqueen: come in swearing, leave with the
escape key
megantheredqueen: come in demanding instead of
requesting, leave with the escape key
megantheredqueen: and that would be "it's", not "its"
clueless: all you had to do was say something
clueless: kinda raw wouldnt you agree
megantheredqueen: nah
megantheredqueen: they tried it on me when I first
came in here but I'm not that gullible
megantheredqueen: it's like a rite of passage
clueless: didnt say i was gullible
megantheredqueen: I did.
clueless: are you people on your menstrual cycle
DR4G0NSL4Y3R has entered the room.
megantheredqueen: I take it back. Not only are you
gullible, you're reprehensibly rude.
megantheredqueen: hey dr4
Smyth82A: I would be save I don't have one
clueless: luckily i dont give a rats ass about
your rude comments and if you arent going to help then
go fuck off
megantheredqueen: Why don't you fuck off? This is not
tech support and we aren't paid to listen to you bitch
and demand help when it is a VERY easy game to play.
clueless: i will take a guess all you fucking
assholes in here are women and its that time of month
megantheredqueen: Now, I certainly would have helped
you if you hadn't been rude.
dparadise20 has entered the room.
clueless: fuck you and i just bought the game
about an hour ago
dparadise20: hopefully this is better
megantheredqueen: But now I just hope you die
painfully and protractedly.
megantheredqueen: Fuck you and nobody cares
megantheredqueen: hi dp
clueless: trust me i wont
dparadise20: wtf
dparadise20: I go away and a battle starts?
Smyth82A: apparently dp, we're all women in here
including me and it's our time of the month
clueless: in the mean time why dont you get the
fuck off your daddies dick and go to his sock drawer,
grab his pistol, point it in your mouth, and pull the

dparadise20: why are you even bothering with him, he must be about 13
Smyth82A: dontcha love how imaginative children are these days?
clueless: try 27
dparadise20: and telling us his fantasies
megantheredqueen: 27 and you don't know how to use apostrophes?
megantheredqueen: I weep for the future.
clueless: i dont need too
clueless: you get the fucking point
megantheredqueen: No, of course not, why would you need to use a language properly? That would show skill.
dparadise20: and maybe some maturity
megantheredqueen: Maybe it's a troll.
megantheredqueen: *prods clueless* Looks kind of like a fungus.
clueless: oh. let me guess.......all these wipper-snappers dont have respect for old c*%# like you right? because we wont walk your sorry ass across the street and open the fucking door for you???
dparadise20: if it's true that you just bought the game, why would you be such and ass and not try to get along with someone who may know more than you?
dparadise20: an*
clueless: i did
dparadise20: I wasn't gone that long
megantheredqueen: you came in swearing and demanding help, assmunch. asking would have been better.
megantheredqueen: but it's too late now because you have revealed yourself to be a cad, a coward, and a moron all in one go
dparadise20: and that's a lower case moron
clueless: you people are just to dam busy putting your snobby noses in the fucking air that you dont see us little peons down here
megantheredqueen: and I'm younger than you are, amerikanless, you old fart
megantheredqueen: That's true. I don't like talking to stupid people, as a rule.
Smyth82A: same here
megantheredqueen: These days, if you have good table manners and speak proper English, you're called a snob. Fine. I'm a snob.
clueess: see its called irratated, did anyone call you names when i first got in here????? NO
megantheredqueen: "irritated"?
clueless: is this english 101
Smyth82A: clueess: how do you play this fucking game????<----swearing and demanding
megantheredqueen: let's see, the first thing you said when you came in here was a very insistent: how do you play this fucking game?????
clueless: i work unlike some of you who pimps off there daddies
megantheredqueen: I'm AT work, dipshit.
clueless: gee, i dont think that was so bad
megantheredqueen: and that would be "their", not "there"
megantheredqueen: There indicates place, not possession.
clueless: fuck off you fucking c*$%
megantheredqueen: and if you didn't learn that in elementary school you must be really stupid
megantheredqueen: oooooh, lookie, it's calling names again!
clueless: now fix that english you piece of shit
clueless: nope just tired
dparadise20: go away
megantheredqueen: "I can't think of an intelligent response so I will call her a cunt. Yes, that will sure show her I am a big man and boss of the situation!"
clueless: i would but im having to much fun
clueless: didnt say anything about wanting to be a boss
megantheredqueen: It's called reading between the lines.
clueless: dont make more of something then what it is
megantheredqueen: "than"
megantheredqueen: "Then" indicates time.
clueless: your too stupid for that dont do it
megantheredqueen: "Your" is possessive. You mean "You're"
clueless: megan you must be a real nerd
clueless: geek
dparadise20: roflmao, it's great
dparadise20: I have tears
megantheredqueen: If that means I care about speaking and spelling my NATIVE language properly, yes.
megantheredqueen: You should at least be able to speak and spell ONE language properly.
clueless: its a chat room
megantheredqueen: Thus far, I haven't seen evidence that you can.
clueless: not english class
megantheredqueen: "it's"
clueless: no one gives a shit
megantheredqueen: You have never attended an English class.
clueless: and in sorry i didnt pull out the dictionary
clueless: shit, if you only knew
megantheredqueen: If I only knew how many English classes you've been to and failed?
megantheredqueen: I'm sorry, that was insensitive of me.
dparadise20: awwww, do you have a sad story too?
dparadise20: don't we all
megantheredqueen: :'(
clueess: never failed any of them i didnt think i had to prove anything to you
megantheredqueen: My heart bleeds.
clueless: i will rememebr that in the future
megantheredqueen: You could have tried to prove you were a decent human being, but you didn't feel we were important enough to warrant being polite to.
clueless: oh shit here we go with spelling 101
megantheredqueen: best defense is a good offense, eh?
megantheredqueen: What on earth does that sentence have to do with spelling?
dparadise20: at some point in our past, we didn't know each other either, we didn't become friends by swearing or being naty
megantheredqueen: "You could have tried to prove you were a decent human being, but you didn't feel we were important enough to warrant being polite to"
megantheredqueen: nope, nothing about spelling.
clueless: when i saw it was all bitches i didnt feel i had too
dparadise20: nasty*
megantheredqueen: All bitches meaning all girls or all people you think you are superior to?
Smyth82A: To be fair, I'd be a bastard
megantheredqueen: yay, smyth
KeriSooVery: bitches??
clueless: see, whats with you thinking that someone is more superior
KeriSooVery: did i miss something??
megantheredqueen: Yes, Keri, you bitch, weren't you listening?
dparadise20: uh oh
megantheredqueen: :-D
clueless: i never said anything about it
KeriSooVery: about what?
megantheredqueen: If you don't feel we warrant politeness, then you must feel superior to us in some way (though I can't think what).
dparadise20: it's all about attitude
dparadise20: you may not need allies at the beginning of the game but you will later on, it pays to be nice
clueless has left the room.

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